Saturday, May 18, 2013

Three Things

     There are three things that you should know
                      before walking on the,
              "Infamous Frozen Pond" of life.

  - How thick is the ice?
  - How deep is the water?
  - Who can you trust, that will be there for you when you
      cry out for help?

  I would like to think that I would be there for anyone
  that needs help, but since I can't everywhere all the time
  I know that I would let someone down somewhere.

  But I know someone that when he hears my call he is
  already there. He is there to protect me, guide me, and
  comfort me whenever I call his name.

  He wants to be there for you also, but you first have to ask
  Him into your heart. You have to believe that he arose
  from the grave. You have to put all your faith in him, and
  believe that He will take care of you.

  It's not hard to do, once you experience His love you will
  see just how easy it was all along, then you wonder what
  your life would have been if He had been there sooner.

  Although you might be falling through the "thin ice" of
  life, because all of your burdens are making you too heavy.
  Remember he walked on the water, he want to carry your
  burdens for you, and if you will let him, he will even carry

  Call on JESUS anytime, anywhere and he will be there.