Thursday, March 10, 2011

"Son" Glasses

  Have you ever been out on a sunny day, when the sun was so bright that you had to cover your eyes?
  Have you ever been out when snow covered everything, and it was so bright that it was hard to see?
  The "sun" is a very important part of this world, if it weren't for the "sun" none of us would be here.
   Here is just a couple of reasons why we need the sun. 1) It gives us light. 2) It gives us warmth. etc...
  This world would not exist without the sun.

   God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son....
    God gave us His Son, God loved all of us so much that when we (world) was "going to hell in a hand basket", He gave us a savior that would rescue us from the everlasting torment in hell. all we have to do is ask for Jesus to come into our lives and be the ruler of it. and when we do wrong we ask for forgiveness and try and do better. Once God is the leader of you life He promised that He'd never leave you, and that when we die we will be with Him forever.  Sound's simple doesn't it, So why isn't the whole world on board of the "Glory Ship" heading towards Heaven?    Because Darkness is all around us, even in the brightest days there are people that just can't find their way through the darkness of evil around them.  Most of these people are looking for something better, they just don't know where and how to look.
 God has a plan for all of His children, have you asked him what he has in mind for you? Has He told you but you think that it is too difficult and want Him to give you something easier? He said that He wouldn't give us anything that we couldn't handle, and since He can do all things, and He said that he would always be with us, then why do we think that we can't, when we should be Knowing that with the Lords help we can do it all.
 We can be the miracle that God is sending to someone, we could be the special blessing that someone needs today, not tomorrow, not next week, and not "if I don't do this then maybe someone else will". this person might not have a second chance, and maybe you are the only "second chance" that they have.
 Maybe God put you here just for this one purpose, and you say "oh, it's too hard" or "what will people think". When God rescued you, who was it that opened your eyes? what if they said no to God?
  He might ask us to go to another country or just go in town, He might just say, go and talk with your neighbor, or say, call your Mom today. No matter what He say's it is for a good reason. We might not ever know if we even touched anyone in our life time, but don't be discouraged. Once the Lord comes truly into our life, people will notice the change. And they will be watching us. And that's when we need to keep trusting in the Lord and obeying in Him. pray that He will not only guide us , but that we will follow.
  There are times when we "so call " cover ourselves with the sins of the world that it is hard for anyone to see Gods love shining through us, we appear to be just a glow in a dark evil world. People see us but they don't want to draw attention to themselves by coming to the "glow". People, all people even Gods people have sins in their lives that they don't want others to see. so coming to a "glow" in the darkness would just reveal it to others and they couldn't hide.
 We as Christians need to ask the Lord to remove this shroud of evil that surrounds us so that the world can see His love.
  Then there are the Christians that are so uppity that people don't want to be around them, because they feel that they are not good enough.
  God sent His Son for "ALL" the world.
 Some times we might seem a little crazy to some but I think that being a little "cracked" will just help Gods love shine through us better.
 God says that no man can look upon His face and live. For only when you die that you will be in His presents. God lives in us, we are the "filters" for the world, God is in us, and His love shines through us.
 Since the world can't look into Gods eye's. He provided you and I to be the world's "SON GLASSES".
  This way when the Lord want's for the world to see and come to Him, then we are the ones that the world is looking at. we are the "lanterns" that the Lord uses. He fills us with His love as "fuel" and He is the Eternal Flame that shines in us. Darkness will flee when light comes in a room. Don't be an obstacle in Gods way because you will be in someone's way of seeing His light and you will just cause a "shadow" for evil to hide behind.
    Are you God's "Son Glasses"?    or are you evils "blindfold"?

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