Monday, November 30, 2009

"Christians trees"

Christians are like Christmas Trees. We all have a purpose in life, we all grow quickly w/ beauty at any age, as we grow older in the Lord our roots go deep in Him and our branches become stronger. The needles of our tree is what the world see's first and  the needles are like our "witness".  Sometimes we are like the "white pine" where the long soft needles are easy to handle. from a far your tree apears great, but as they get closer they see that your sparce looking and that your branches won't support their heavy ornaments of life. Then other times we are like the "blue spruce" our "witness" needles are short and prickly the touch, and can hurt a lot of people with just one touch.
 What type of tree are you???
  The world is watching all of us, so strive to be the perfect  "Christmas Tree" show the world that a "pine tree" isn't just for Christmas.
  Remember the other name for the pine tree " EVERGREEN "

1 comment:

  1. Great Blog!!!!!
    I know what type of Christmas tree I'd like to be and your descriptions help me see better how I can affect people - hopefully in a good way. Evergreen - of course!! Way to go.
