Weddings, who needs to be there? You could invite all your family and your friends, you could have special music, and / or special singing or speaking.
Your wedding party could be many people or just a few. You could be married in a church or on a boat, or in a field. There are so many difference ways to
Get married, that most people don't see the importance of the ceremony. They just want to out do the others in the past.
I believe that all you really need are just five persons to have a true ceremony, they would be of course the Bride and the Groom, and then the Minister,
You would also need a witness, but most importantly you should invite the Lord, for it is His blessings that you will need to keep your marriage a
Success. He is the ONE person that you should go to when there is any problems, and then listen to Him because He just might suggest that you go to
Someone that will help you in your time of need. The Lord places people in our lives to help us on our journey, and we might just be the same for
Someone else. When you think your problems are too hard to handle and you have to go to someone for help, you might just be helping them.
That would be a "double blessing".
Now to get back to the wedding stuff,
We have the Bride and Groom and the Minister, Witness, and the Lord.
All the other people that were invited are there just for that reason, they are requested to come and celebrate the joining of the couple in marriage.
They are Not to be confused with the people that need to make this ceremony a success. There doesn't have to be "special music". That is just
To entertain the people that were invited. In a "nut shell" there is a lot less stress on the marriage if the "wedding" is not all that fancy.
Sure people might be upset if you don't have a big wedding or even if they weren't invited, but the bottom line is " it is our ceremony and if we want a small
Wedding (elope) then it is our choice".
Why should we get stressed out even before we walk down the isle.
Let me see if I understand this: if the bride and groom agree that a wedding needs only be five there, then why are they the ones who are stressed needlessly? Hhmmmmm... What say you?