Saturday, September 18, 2010

**The Dark Side**

(Buzz)  Lord, I pray unto you, " Why Has this trial come before me?"
(Jesus)  " you asked for trials to come your way this year".
(Buzz)  But lord, I wasn't expecting a life threatening situation.
 (Jesus) "If you were to get an easy trial, could we even count it as a trial", "you asked for things that would strengthen you faith in me, not an easy problem that you could fix yourself, and say a little prayer, and expect blessings from others because you were a little discomforted." "People used to say that you had the patients of Job. because of the trials that came into your life before, and you were able to keep cool and when you prayed to me , I answered because of your faith in me."
 (Buzz) But Lord, I'm scared, and I'm trying not to show it, I'm trying to be brave for the sakes of family and friends. I do believe that you can heal me of this trial, but at the same time, Lord I'm ready to come home.
 (Buzz) Lord, you say in your word that if someone would take their own life it would be considered a sin, example: if someone took an over dose of their medicine. Lord , what if I didn't take my medicine? would it be a sin then?
 (Jesus)" If my plans for you are much bigger than this trial, and in order for you to be ready to handle the future you must go through this trial. If you decided to end your life by not taking what I have provided for you, than it might not be considered a sin and you will still come to Heaven, but the true heartache would be all the lives that you would miss touching and people that could have come to me, because of what you went through to get to where you are at that point. Now I may still bring you home and the people that are watching you right now and watching how you are handling this trial, May be enough for them to come to know me. either way , your trial is based on your faith, How will you handle it? will you try to on your own? or will you pray to me and ask for my help and then have faith and believe in me."
 (Buzz) Lord, I pray to you that would you please , heal me from this trial, help me become a stronger soldier that I may become a leader and bring other people to you. Lord please grant me the knowledge and the wisdom that I need to get passed this trial.Lord , please be with the one's that I love and grant them the strength they need to see me through this. Lord Jesus,  I love you, Thank you for this trial, I have faith that you will heal me.
  (Jesus)," Buzz have faith in me and keep my commandments and all what you ask will be given unto you. I am the light of the world don't hide in the darkness expecting an answer, strive to stay in the light and nothing will harm you."
 (Jesus)" I love you Buzz".

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